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![]() Hi! Thanks for stopping by my homepage. If this is the first time we're meeting, I hope you don't get the wrong impression about me. I'm just a regular guy who loves things that fly (it doesn't matter to me whether they're real or simulated) and just happens to be fortunate enough to make a living from them. I put up this web page to help prospective employers get an idea of who I am, what I've done, and what some of my abilities are. I'm really kind of a private person, but I've learned that when it comes to finding work you have to knuckle down and toot your own horn a bit. That's why I've gone through such extremes in creating this "brag" site. Please understand that none of this is for my ego. Now that that's cleared up, while I was putting the material together for this site I thought that I might try and provide some value to anyone else that might stumble in here. I certainly don't know everything about the industries I've worked in, but I've had some limited success in some areas. If it isn't too presumptuous of me, I'll try and pass along any insights or tidbits that I can think of that might be helpful to people interested in writing, aviation, or the simulation software business. If nothing else, it's my hope that everyone leaves here knowing that the world can truly be a wonderful place. There are many opportunities out there, but things don't always go as planned many times. You just need to put your faith in the good Lord and keep plugging along. Something better always comes up although it may not seem like things will ever change at the time. The best advice I can offer is work hard, always do your best, and learn to recognize and enjoy life's best moments. If you can do these three things you'll live a good life. Best wishes! Ben Back to the top of the page Certifications & Licenses Commercial Pilot Certified Flight Instructor Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Ground Instructor Advanced Ground Instructor Instrument Ground Instructor Multiengine and Multiengine Instrument ratings FAA-appointed Aviation Safety Counselor, San Jose Flight Standards District Office TSA Security Awareness FCC Technician Class Advanced First Aid Black Belt—Dinan Wan Ru JiuJitsu Graduate—Skip Barber Racing School Graduate—Dale Carnegie Course BFA—New York University Motorcycle Back to the top of the page Memberships and Affiliations Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) American Film Institute (AFI) American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) WINGS FAA Pilot Proficiency Program Interviews simFlight.com 1999 SimChoice: Online Flight Simulator Directory 1999 Microsoft Press 1998 Internet Gaming Zone 1997 Back to the top of the page Other Skills Steadicam Operator Javascript, Perl, and HTML programming Plays Guitar, Saxophone, Trombone, French Horn, Keyboard, Drums Back to the top of the page Personal stuff Height: 5' 9" Weight: 160# Married w/three children Presently living on the Central Coast of sunny southern California Hobbies (besides playing sims and in real aircraft) Playing with my kids Building stuff and fixing things R/C airplanes, helicopters, and cars Restoring muscle cars Racing anything Riding motorcycles Favorite Web Sites United States Air Force Lots of info about some of the best aircraft in the world Tom's Hardware Guide The site for computer tinkerers Price Watch Great deals on computer parts FlightAdventures.com (of course!) Favorite Movies It's a Wonderful Life Raiders of the Lost Ark Blade Runner The Right Stuff Anything from the Thunderbirds Back to the top of the page ![]() When I'm in the Zone, the only handle I use has an "@" character in it. Accept no imitations! I've updated my handle to Ben@FltZone. Please say "hello" if you see me around. I'd be honored to participate in flights with anyone interested if I've got time. Hope to see ya in the Zone soon! Back to the top of the page |
Copyright © 1999- Ben Chiu. All rights reserved. |