…Spielberg said studios were increasingly putting money into “mega-budget” movies, causing a tectonic shift in the entertainment industry.
“There’s eventually going to be an implosion, or a big meltdown,” Spielberg said. “There’s going to be an implosion where three or four, or maybe even a half-dozen mega-budget movies, are going to go crashing into the ground, and that’s going to change the paradigm.”…
I’ve been saying this for years. Now I’m not happy that my comments are coming true, but the idea that movies can continue to be made without a real chance of making a profit or at least making your money back have been a staple of the naive, but to a very great extent a kind of inside joke among the studios and major players. You’d just move on to another project and find some other suckers… erm, investors to finance your next movie.
Paying people huge amounts of money up front for a movie that nets a loss is crazy. On a related note, I truly hope that corporate America can learn the same lessons here or the same things will continue to happen.
What do you think?